As today is 11/11/11, and all I have heard about... change is coming on this day! I feel it is "always" here as the earth our home is in movement of re creating through each day.
So what happened in my life when things I believed would always hold value went from the value of saving and real estate $550,000 to $200.00? Four years ago, I was a project manager in Chicago working 70 plus hours in the corporate office structure that I have been told and taught holds value. The ideas of what had provided value to my life such as owning real estate, savings in the 401 accounts, having a job, all imploded and crumbled on Feb. 2007.
So my blog posting is about exploring and re creating value by living my new life. In my life now... I sometimes am living in a space of needing to believe things will go back to the original value. Then I asked my friends about how could the value be restored and at what costs to my health and others? Seeing how the actions of others create and effect all of our lives. The disconnected thinking of what I do only affects my life has never been in right relations.
So where are you in the value of changes...Value in finding a job? the basic in living life?
Blessings, MorningStar